The tetris game board! If you see this text, the canvas displaying the game could not load. If you'd like to try, maybe a different browser would work.
Lines Cleared:

Speed Level:

Pause - Escape
Move - /
Rotate - /
Hold piece -
Hard drop -
Soft drop -

Game Paused


Pause - Escape
Move Left/Right - /
Rotate Left/Right - /
Hold piece -
Hard drop -
Soft drop -


A JavaScript + WebGL implementation of the popular block-falling game
(it rhymes with "Fortress"!)

View the code on GitHub!

Game Over!

Final score:

Lines cleared:


To change a control, click on it's blue box,
then press the key you want to change it to.

← Move Left A

→ Move Right D

↺ Rotate Left J

↻ Rotate Right L
Hold Piece E

Soft Drop S

Hard Drop W